About US


Equal Opportunity Employment & Diversity Statement

Jeremiah’s Inn is committed to providing a workplace that includes people of diverse backgrounds and fully utilizes their talents to achieve its mission. Jeremiah’s Inn believes that a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace culture enhances the performance of our organization and our ability to fulfill the agency’s mission.

Jeremiahs Inn is committed to being an organization of individuals who treat coworkers, clients, applicants and vendors with consideration and respect. Jeremiah’s Inn is committed to fostering and supporting a workplace culture inclusive of all people regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, marital status, veteran status, age, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, religious beliefs or any other non-merit fact, so that all employees feel included, equal valued and supported.

Jeremiah’s Inn seeks to recruit persons of diverse backgrounds and support the retention and advancement of diverse persons within the agency. Jeremiah’s recognizes that the diverse knowledge, perspectives, ideas, experiences and qualities of all employees are critical to our success and the success of our clients. In accordance with law, all action relating to an individual’s employment (e.g. hiring, rate of pay, training opportunities, promotions, performance evaluations, termination) are made according to the individuals capabilities and accomplishments.

The leadership and employees of Jeremiah’s are committed to achieve and support the ongoing commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace. It is the duty of every employee to create an environment conducive to our non-discrimination policies.

Worcester Together “in Solidarity” Statement

Together we rise, together we stand, and together we change. On behalf of the Worcester Together Coalition, comprising more than 100 individuals and organizations formed in response to the COVID-19 crisis, we rise and we stand in condemnation of the brutal acts perpetrated by Minneapolis police officers in the murder of George Floyd.

We stand in the name of countless Black lives lost at the hands of police and civil vigilantes and in the name of all Communities of Color that have and continue to experience institutional inequity and brutality.

We seek to create and make change to shift the oppressive imbalances in our country in the name of all Communities of Color that have experienced profound loss including for George Floyd, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Sandra Bland, Botham Jean, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and for whom their families and communities have endured deep pain, anger, frustration, and fear because of systemic racism and inequity.

Silence is not an option. Action is paramount. Worcester Together has demonstrated our ability to act and respond in crisis through COVID-19. Today, we speak aloud in disgust and with deep sorrow for our community and our country, but also to also leverage our collective and unified power to act and make change. The devastating racial disparities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic are intrinsically related to our nation’s history of white supremacy and structural racism. It is a legacy that we must reject and dismantle.

As we seek to address the COVID-19 crisis and to build a fair and just “new normal” we commit ourselves to these principles in all that we do, both individually and collectively:

1. We will acknowledge the reality of white supremacism in our history and its insidious presence in our institutions, public school system, police department, community based organizations, and ways of doing business and will facilitate courageous conversations and frank discussion of the issues at hand as a community. We will recognize our inadvertent complicity in the perpetuation of this injustice.

2. We will approach every initiative, policy or program that we undertake as an opportunity to dismantle racism. We will do this explicitly and embrace accountability for our results.

3. We will consistently and promptly identify, name, question, and actively resist and denounce policies in our criminal justice, law enforcement, education and health institutions that injure people of color and deprive them of the opportunity to participate fully in the life of our community.

4. We will center, elevate and defer to voices of People of Color and support the economic advancement of Communities of Color by using our collective purchasing power to support locally owned Black, Latino, and immigrant businesses. We are fallible humans acting in the name humanity and cannot do this work alone.

Please join us as we work together to create equity, shape and change our community and our country’s course. 

The Worcester Together Coalition.

Disability Access Notice

All of the programs, services and benefits at Jeremiah’s Inn are available on an equal basis to eligible persons with disabilities. In the event that you have a disability that you would like us to accommodate, it is important for you to let us know as soon as possible.

For clients in the residential program, we encourage you to indicate whether you have a disability for which you are requesting an accommodation on the Residential Program Application form. Also, we encourage you to discuss your request for an accommodation at your interview for placement in the Residential Program. Jeremiah’s Inn will attempt to provide you a reasonable accommodation.

For clients using the food pantry, we encourage you to let the Nutrition Center Coordinator know of any disability or food allergy you may have and how to best accommodate you. Depending on the circumstances however, we may not be able to make the accommodation.

If you choose not to disclose whether you have a disability as part of the intake and interview process, and become a resident at Jeremiah’s Inn, and then disclose that you have a disability, we will do our best to provide a reasonable accommodation to you. However, there may be some accommodations we may not be able to provide or that are not reasonable.