get involved
donateWhere & What We Accept
It takes a lot of community support to provide the best service that we can to our guests and patients. Your tax-deductible donation will help us fulfill our mission to help people better their lives. Your contribution will certainly be the difference between someone surviving – and someone thriving.
To donate by check, please make payable to Jeremiah’s Inn and mail to: P.O. Box 30035, Worcester, MA 01603
In-Kind Donations
We gratefully accept in-kind donations at the above address during food pantry hours (M 12-3:30 T, TH, F 9-2). To make drop-off arrangements outside of these hours please contact (508) 755-6403 x 110 or [email protected]. Below is a list of basic items of which we are always in need. For seasonal and special request items see our Amazon wishlist.
Donations In Memoriam
We humbly accept donations in memory of loved ones. We also accept them in lieu of gifts for anniversaries, birthdays, recovery milestones etc. Fill in the form below to provide us with the contact information for acknowledgment, and we will let them know of your kindness on their behalf.

Nutrition Center Needs
- Sterilite Stackable Totes 72 Qt
- Rubber gloves
- Sanitizer/wipes
- Large Cardboard boxes
- Plastic grocery bags or tote bags
- Vegan, gluten-free, or allergen-free items
- Boxed meals (mac & cheese, hamburger helper, etc.)
- Canned Meats (chicken, tuna)
- Dried & canned beans (garbanzo, kidney, black)
- Lentils
- Starches (rice, potatoes, pasta)
- Spices (coriander, curry powder, turmeric, garlic and onion salt)
- Cooking oils (vegetable, olive, coconut)
- Water
- Toiletries
- Paper Goods
- Baby Food/Items
- Feminine Care
Residential Program Needs
- New or gently used Men’s clothing (seasonal)
- New shower shoes, slippers
- New packaged socks & underwear
- New twin bedding/pillows
- New Towels/facecloths
- Toiletries – Soap, body wash, deodorant
- Shaving needs- Razors, shave cream
- Laundry items- Detergent, baskets, mesh bags
- Durable Plastic plates, cups, bowls
- Flatware/silverware
All of these items and more can be purchased through Amazon. Click HERE to view our wish list.
Items We Cannot Accept
- Expired or open containers
- Used or open toiletries
- Used underwear and socks
- Used Bedding
- Furniture and older TV sets
- Large donations of Women’s and Children’s clothes will be welcome at Abbey’s House or
The Salvation Army
If you have any questions about items we do or do not accept, or about donations in general, please contact :
[email protected] or call (508) 755-6403 x110