Holiday Wish ProgramResident Wish lists will become available on Nov 6.
Many items are available for purchase already on our Amazon Wish List
Tis’ the Season
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most perilous periods of the year for deaths associated with drug and alcohol misuse occur in December, January, and March. Shockingly, the month of December alone has witnessed nearly 91,000 such fatalities since 1999.
The Center for Network Therapy reports a disturbing 150% surge in drug and alcohol relapse rates during this time. There are various factors contributing to this alarming trend, including family stress or the loss of family support, financial struggles, and the overwhelming emotions of guilt, shame, and remorse. These challenges make it exceptionally difficult for individuals to sustain their progress in recovery during the holiday season.

At Jeremiah’s Inn, we are acutely aware of the strain and guilt that can accompany the inability to financially provide for your children while undergoing residential treatment to improve your life. We firmly believe that no child should be deprived of holiday gifts simply because their parent is striving to overcome a chronic disease. The Holiday Wish Program was implemented, almost a decade ago, as a way to try and alleviate some of this stress for our residents and their families. Your contribution helps us ensure we can make Holiday Wishes come true – even in difficult times!

How it works:
Each of our 29 patients and their children (under 17) has filled out a wish list so we can provide shoppers with clothing size information and gift suggestions/ideas (around $40). Our goal is to provide one outfit (including shoes and coats in some cases) and one gift to each patient and child.

There are many different ways to support this important program!
1. Become a Holiday Wish Program Sponsor or Shopper
Sponsors will receive size information and 3 gift ideas for residents and their children. We aim to ensure everyone gets 1 outfit, including shoes and a coat, and 1 of the gift ideas listed.
Gather your family, friends, or co-workers and make a meaningful impact this holiday season by sponsoring a family. You can choose to sponsor both a patient and their children’s wish lists—let us know how many children (up to four) you’re able to support.
If you’d prefer, you can sponsor a patient’s wish list only. Many of our patients don’t have children or close family and haven’t celebrated a holiday in years, making these some of the hardest lists to fulfill.
You can also choose to sponsor just a child’s wish list—children range in age from 2 months to 17 years. Let us know your preferred age range, and we’ll match you with a list. Since these lists are often the first to be sponsored, we encourage you to consider sponsoring a patient as a second option to ensure no one is left out.
Please EMAIL ALYSSA for more information on one of the above options and indicate how you would like to help.
If you’re eager to contribute but are unable to sponsor an entire shopping list (1 outfit + 1 gift), there are numerous meaningful ways to make a difference!
Not every wish list finds a sponsor, so our shoppers are invaluable in fulfilling those unmet needs. For instance, you have the option to select one or two gift ideas from a list, provide an outfit, or even just a single clothing item, like a cozy coat or a pair of boots. Any way you can contribute is greatly appreciated!
Many of the items are available for purchase on our Amazon Wish List. We update it regularly as lists become available to keep checking back! For those who prefer to hit the brick-and-mortar stores, EMAIL ALYSSA for information. Indicate how you would like to help and she can send you the size or gift information you request.

2. Donate Gift Cards
One of the most requested gift items of patients (and teens!) are gift cards – Amazon, Walmart, Target, Dollar General, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Footlocker, etc.
Amazon gift cards can be purchased directly from our wish list (above). We request that they be valued individually at $25 (you can donate more than one) and be mailed Attn: Alyssa or the Holiday Wish Program to P.O. Box #30035, 1059 Main St., Worcester, MA 01603

3. Donate funds to the Holiday Wish Program campaign and we will do the shopping for you!
Holidays are busy – we get it!! When you make a donation to the Holiday Wish Program campaign we use the funds to order any wish list items that have not been donated by the shipping deadline of Dec. 8th. These funds are crucial to ensuring everyone gets an outfit and a gift from their list!!

I am so happy, grateful, and melted with love! I can’t believe there are kind strangers out there who are thinking about people in need, with mental health and addiction problems. I feel like God sent me an angel.”
Patient 2021 – 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
15Q: What is the deadline for dropping off or having gifts delivered?
A: Our Holiday party at which we distribute the gifts is on Thursday, Dec. 19th. The week of Dec 9th-13th would work best. Ideally, we would have gifts by no later than Monday, Dec.15th in order to sort, organize, and wrap everything.
Q: Should gifts be wrapped?
A: That’s up to you – if you LOVE to wrap then we say go for it!! Just please put a sticky note on the outside letting us know the contents for our donation records. Don’t heart wrapping? That’s ok! We have a team of elves just waiting for the opportunity!
Q: Where/when should I drop gifts off?
A: Please contact Alyssa for a good day/time to drop off at 1059 Main St. Worcester, MA 01603. A staff member will be expecting you to ensure your gifts are safely stored.
Q: Where should I have gifts sent/checks mailed to?
A: Please send with attention to Alyssa Dancause or the Holiday Wish Program
Physical address: 1059 Main St. Worcester, MA 01603
Mailing address: PO Box #30035 1059 Main St. Worcester, MA 01603
Q: Some of the lists say N/A in clothing size?
A: Relationships with children and family are sometimes complicated and the information isn’t readily available. In those instances, we just request an age-appropriate gift or gift card.
Q: Can Gift Cards be more than $25?
A: We would prefer all gift cards be valued the same ($25) but you may donate more than one.
Q: Can I donate prepaid credit gift cards?
A: We would highly prefer the gift cards be made out to the place where they are meant to be spent. Amazon, Walmart, Target, Dollar General. Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, Footlocker, etc.